My name is Julie and I am a blessed wife/mother to an amazing husband and to 3 wonderful kids!  My love for animals began when I was a child and I had the privledge of growing up with a dad who is a large animal veterinarian. This, of course, exposed me to so many different types of animals and gave me the chance of raising everything from dogs and cats to horses, rabbits, sheep and pigs!

Dogs were always a part of our family, but more specifically, Labrador Retrievers. My dad loves Labs for their intelligence, retrieving/hunting capabilities, and especially their temperments and gentleness around kids.
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Naturally he passed on his love for this great dog to me and I was excited to receive one (Daisy) as a present from my husband when we got married.  My intentions were to breed/raise Labs when my father told me about the Labradoodle several years ago. I thought crossing a Poodle with a Lab sounded so crazy, and set the idea aside.

Daisy is an amazing dog and my only complaint I have about her is how much she sheds! This, along with the troubles of allergy suffers in my family, led me to do more research on Labradoodles & Goldendoodles and has convinced me that combining the great characteristics of these two dogs is incredible! I’m excited for this adventure in the dog world and am also excited to have my own kids share this wonderful experience along with me. For more information about the Labradoodle & Goldendoodle breeds, please read our “Doodle Info” page.
Santa Clarita, CA
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